Maximize Profits, Minimize Stress

Written by Stacey Scoville | February 12, 2020 at 3:00 PM

With recent changes to physician reimbursement, many medical practices across the country have enhanced their billing procedures to mitigate compliance risks. These pre-emptive measures help effectively maximize revenue and ensure that clinics are fully reimbursed for their services.

Try the following steps to streamline your billing process and make it as stress-free as possible.

Develop a Clear Collections Process

Establish a clear billing approach to help your clinic maintain and even increase revenue streams. Make billing procedures transparent. Ensure that patients know the description of their balance, exactly when their bill is due, and what fees apply to late payments.

Minimize Coding Errors

Since payors reject medical bills with even slight errors, use coders to review claims before submitting them to ensure accuracy and expedite the reimbursement process. Invest in products such as claims scrubbers to quickly and efficiently check all codes. Electronically verify the patient's information during check-in to establish current demographic information.

Promptly Handle Denied or Rejected Claims

Establish protocol for both denied and rejected claims. Assign clinic personnel to check for errors and resubmit claims to insurance companies. Handle them as promptly as possible to avoid prolonging the reimbursement process.

Offer and Promote Technology

Simplify the payment process by offering patients easy solutions that allow them to pay their bills anytime, anywhere. Offer online bill pay, web portals, automatic payment plans, and mobile pay. Promote these products during check-in, with texts and emails, and during provider-patient encounters.

Contact us today to see how PCIS can help improve your billing procedures.